Jul 1 2016

The Russo Brothers Present: Dizzy Pursuit

A feature-length comedy about relationships in a tight place.


Dizzy Pursuit

Writer/Director/Producer: Jay Alvarez
Executive Producers: Joe & Anthony Russo
Producer: Alexander Fraser
Actor/Co-Producer: Megan Kopp
Cinematographer/Editor: Ray Buckley
Sound Mixer: Jason Lennart Anderson


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Aug 1 2015

One Man, Two Guvnors



One Man, Two Guvnors: September 10 – October 4, 2015
Clackamas Repertory Theatre

Francis – Jayson Shanafelt
Stanley Stubbers – Alex Fox
Rachel Crabbe – Annie Rimmer Weeks
Harry Dangle – Doren Elias
Charlie “The Duck” Clench – James Lawrence
Lloyd Boateng – Alan H. King
Pauline Clench – Bonnie Auguston
Alan – Jake Simonds
Dolly – Jayne Stevens

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Apr 27 2015

Goodnight Desdemona…

 “Where mingling and unmingling opposites transforms
base metal into precious gold.”

GDGMJ photo

 Good Night Desdemona, (Good Morning Juliet): May 22 – June 21, 2015
NW Classical Theatre Company

Constance Ledbelly – Rebecca Ridenour 
Desdemona/Mercutio – Melissa Whitney 
Romeo/Chorus/Iago/Ghost – Deanna Wells 
Juliet/Julie uh Jill/Soldier of Cyprus – Bonnie Auguston 
Professor Night/Othello/Tybalt/Nurse – Ashleigh Bragg 

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Aug 4 2014

Film Reel


Bonnie Auguston’s Film Reel

Compiled and Edited by: Ian Stout (verticaproductions.com)

Footage from:
TNT’s Leverage (Episode 4.4 directed by John Rogers & 4.15 directed by Jonathan Frakes)
“Hundredaires” directed by Courtney Eck and Daniel Fickle of Two Penguins Productions (twopenguins.com) – -Now showing on French Kiss Records TV (fkr.tv) and YouTube
“Utopia” written and directed by Ian Stout (verticaproductions.com)
“Thru the Woods” written and directed by P.R. Tooke (imdb.com/name/nm0654927/)
“The Makers” written and directed by Brian Leonard

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Jul 24 2014

Hamlet with Anon it Moves

“If it be now, ’tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now;
if it be not now, yet it will come—the readiness is all.”


Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
in rep July 25 – August 23, 2014 at Zoomtopia. anonitmoves.org

Erica Terpening-Romeo - Hamlet
Joel Patrick Durham - Rosencrantz
Caitlin Margo Fisher-Draeger - Guildenstern
Crystal Ann Muñoz - Ophelia
Jamie Peck - Claudius
Ethelyn Friend - Gertrude
Chris Porter - Polonius
Heath Hyun Houghton - Laertes
Bonnie Auguston - Horatio
Paul Susi - Player/Gravedigger 1
Kristen Lang - Player/Gravedigger 2
Alwynn Accuardi - Player/Bernardo
Gretchen Vietmeier - Player/Osric/Lucianus
Murri Lazaroff-Babin - Player/Marcellus/Alfred/Priest

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May 1 2014

Macbeth at NW Classical

“Something wicked this way comes.”


Macbeth : May 23 – June 22, 2014
NW Classical Theatre Company

Macbeth: Jason Maniccia
Lady Macbeth: Melissa Whitney 
Macduff/Dying Sergeant: Todd Van Voris
Banquo/Doctor: Peter Platt
Witch: Clara-Liis Hillier
Witch: Bonnie Auguston
Witch: Caitlin Fisher-Draeger
Duncan/Siward: Chris Porter
Malcolm/Murderer: Jeffrey Arrington
Lennox/Murderer: Stan Brown 
Ross: Joseph Gibson
Seyton: Heath Koerschgen 
Donalbain/Lady Macduff: Tiffany Groben
Fleance/Young Macduff: Hank Sanders 

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Jan 19 2014

Hundredaires in LA Weekly!

“I was in a vintage-furniture store in Portland and overheard a conversation between three superhip 20-somethings about whether or not owls were still ‘a thing,’ ” (writer) Courtney Eck recalls during an interview. “Turns out … goats are the new animal.”

Thus the idea for Hundredaires was born.

Read the rest of the featured article in LA Weekly.


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Nov 1 2013

“One in the Wake” Trailer

Teaser trailer for short film, “One in the Wake.”

Screen shot 2014-05-20 at 10.21.37 AM

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Sep 30 2013

Target Commercial – Laika

Hand modeling for Target’s new “Target Ticket.”
Commercial shot and animated at Laika House in Portland.

Screen shot 2014-05-20 at 10.28.11 AM

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